ORE Ranks

Visitor Rank
When a new player joins ORE for the first time, they start out with Visitor rank.

  • Ability to talk in chat

Student Rank
After a Visitor completes the application done using /apply they obtain Student rank.

  • Ability to claim 1 plot on /school
  • Ability to claim 1 plot on /play
  • Ability to apply for Builder

Builder Rank
After a Student goes through the application and trial process, they can obtain Builder.
Builder Guide: Builder Rank

  • Ability to claim 1 plot on /build
  • Ability to apply for Engineer
  • Ability to use world edit commands and tools

Engineer Rank
After a Builder goes through the application and trial process, they can obtain Engineer.
Engineer Guide: Engineer Rank

  • Ability to officially assist in Builder trials
  • Ability to officially assist in Engineer interviews
  • Ability to stream video in the ORE discord server

Testificate Rank
During a Builder trial, this is the rank given to the Student participating in the trial.

  • Ability to build in the trial world on /build

Moderator Rank
After elected (which happens rarely) a Builder or Engineer may become a Moderator.

  • A lot of stuff

Admin Rank
Moderators occasionally have the opportunity to become elected for Admin.

  • Everything Moderator can do
  • Access to ORE’s console

Owner Rank
This is not a thing, don’t be dumb. ORE doesn’t have an owner.

  • Idk, what permissions does a non-existent rank get?