Caristania1 Builder Application


I like how open ended it is and that technically it is Turing complete so there will never be “the best thing” because something better can always be built.

I have built an 8-bit CPU that can do basically anything if I added enough program memory.

It can add and subtract, has 4 registers, 16 bytes of RAM, all logical operations , 5 inputs, a 16 x 8 pixel screen, 3 seven segment displays, a binary to BCD converter (taken from Mattbattwings tutorial), and I made an OS for it. It has 96 bytes of program memory but I could easily add more.

A sort of radio to broadcast images across different devices.


A sort of radio to broadcast images across different devices.

Could you elaborate?

I am planning on having 3 machines capable of sending and receiving data (this will only be 4 bits to make it smaller and faster to build). All of the machines will be connected to 4 wires (or however many bits there are) and an image from machine 1 could go to machine 3 or an image from machine 2 could go to machine 1 etc. Each machine can select what machine it is receiving from to only take in one image and filter out the rest. Let me
know if you have any more questions. I can also build it and sent you screenshots to help explain.

Serial data transmission and receiving? Is there more to it than that or no?

Not much but it is also always cycling so you could technically send “videos” across, but once again they will only be 4 bits per frame.

Your trial build is not sufficiently advanced. The bar for trial builds is at or above the level of a 4 Bit ALU. Please respond with a new build if/when you decide on one.

I could do a 4-bit ALU with addition, subtraction, and, or, not, xor, nor, and nand if that would work.

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