Doglol99 Builder Application

Minecraft name: doglol99

What do you like the most about redstone?: the fact that redstone enables you to build basically anything you want and design computers at a low level while being simple enough to understand that anyone can learn it in a few hours

What’s a thing you have made which demonstrates redstone knowledge?: i made a 8 bit alu based on the Hack alu from the nandtotetris course. i intend to build a full hack computer in the future

What does the thing do?:
its an alu capable of add, sub, inc,dec,not,or and and two 8 bit binary values.

Image(s) and/or video(s) of the device:

What do you plan on making for your build trial?: an alu similar to the one shown above with some imporvements made

Do you agree with the rules?: no i hate following rules and will ignore every rule. im joking, yes i will follow the rules

This application has been accepted! Whenever both you and a staff member are free, feel free to ask them for a trial. You are able to try again after failing and waiting 24 hours. It is always recommended to do a practice trial with another member before starting your real one.