Eternalite's Very Real Engineer's application ( READ FULLY)

Minecraft name: Eternalite

**What’s a thing you have made which demonstrates sufficient engineering knowledge?:

I think I might have created the fastest cpu in the history of cpu’s. It is a really complex device that can process complex algorithms like Binary 0-1 (an algorithm that I created to demonstrate the extreme power of my creation) and it is also compatible with multiple devices that can harness its power. It works on never before used quantum mechanics. With the thing I discovered we can revolutionize cpu building throughout ore. This device is a two tick cpu that can be modified with a graphics card but it requires an external PROM. The alu can do all compatible operations like (OR,or,Or,oR,0r). Unfortunately it doesn’t come with an external assembler so one must spend the time flicking levers to run desired programs. It can also externally support a special external core that enables double time processing. Also it can be modified to output hex signals of strength 15 or 0. The amounts of bits it can support is 1


**What engineering work went into designing this device?: Well my brain combined all its braincells it had to impress the great Leonardo DeCapo rio,Nick the star STAR, SmOREtest QSmally, Sammy, Ceo of Gay, The best teacher ever Koyarno, The guy who is due a ban (STAAACK), Boo Man (Pish),Treeee Puncher, Booooo man, Grenade pfp man, Gilled by the TV, dONNY man and the great DDthj. These people inspired me to right click **

Image/s and/or video/s of the device:

(Also yes this is sorta a joke but I don’t mind getting engineer. Besides this, could someone share the link of where the engineer requirements are listed as either am blind or the post you had didn’t have no requirements. If it didn’t then well Woo hoo to me on becoming an engineer. Also To the real engineers of ORE "The amount of time you guys spend on projects is crazy and you people including mods and admins are a big inspiration to the server and even though the application was mostly a joke, this thing isn’t. Thanks for always being inspiring and hope that your all doing well. Take care and much love to this awesome community :heart: . " #EterForEngineer

A post I made a while ago regarding engineer rank: Engineer Rank
Funny shitpost is fine but we’d like to discourage shitposts in the application parts of the forums

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