Minecraft name: ImConfused__
What do you like the most about redstone?: well, number 1 it helps me with irl Computer Science. number 2… its crazy you can make a whole computer in a game like Minecraft! and I find the challenge of learning and trying to make things like ALU’s and Displays in block game
What’s a thing you have made which demonstrates redstone knowledge?: 8-bit ALU
What does the thing do?: Addition, Subtraction, OR, NOR, AND, X-NOR, XOR, N-AND, Inverse A, Inverse B, Cin and Flood Carry
Image(s) and/or video(s) of the device:
What did you make as your trial build?: 8-Bit ALU
What is the warp for your trial build?: 8-BitConfusion
Provide your results after completing the ORE Binary Quiz: Binary Quiz completion certificate:
Completed by ImConfused__ in 4m23.912s on 5/23/2024, 01:06 UTC.
100.00% accuracy with 0/25 answers given incorrectly.
Do you agree with the rules?: Yes