Withererik111 builder

my minecraft name is withererik111

i like redstone computers and how does things work like how does 8 bit pc work and how does executes programs

i made display with programmable storage and 8 bit register and timer that count from 1 to 9 in seconds

my 8 bit register can store and read it later.

this is serial transmission

nothing i didnt made
nothing i didnt made

Binary Quiz completion certificate:

Completed by erik in 6m56.101s on 7/29/2024, 11:04 UTC.
92.59% accuracy with 2/27 answers given incorrectly.

yes i agree with the rules

A few things.

  1. Where are the questions?
  2. “nothing i didnt made”… sorry but anything used in your application and your trial must me made by you.
  3. We require something like an RCA ALU or similar for build trials, Memory doesnt usually get accepted
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