Alexpopblock Builder Application

Minecraft name:

What do you like the most about redstone?:
I just love learning how the pieces go together in these computational systems, and when I see how small and ingenious the components are, it really gets me excited to learn and to use these components. Redstone really just can be used in any way u can make it and I suppose the thing I like most is having it all connect together to function as a beast.
Oh and yeah logic gates make anything work so wiring them up is really fun.

What’s a thing you have made which demonstrates redstone knowledge?:
The classic - I made an ALU on the server
In single player I made a display with per digit single storage
On the server I made a display with storage

What does the thing do?:

ALU - Ill explain in the trial build section
The display in the server: you can store 8 different images where each storage layer is 2 blocks tall (so 16 tall for all 8) and display each of them on a screen above

Singleplayer display: each number is stackable side by side with a 1 block gap. WIth a BCD->7-Seg decoder, still gotta learn the binary to bcd, you can write any number on any number display

Image(s) and/or video(s) of the device:

What did you make as your trial build?:

A basic ALU which does Addition, Subtraction, And, Or, XOr and inverts the output ( to get Nand, Nor, XNOr ). And because I was bored I added a data latch which clears and loads the result of every clock cycle so I can input it back into the ALU to run calculations, for example: adding input B to the previous number

What is the warp for your trial build?:

/warp AlexpopblockTrialBuild

Provide your results after completing the ORE Binary Quiz:

Completed by Alexpopblock in 7m0.786s on 7/26/2024, 02:46 UTC.
96.15% accuracy with 1/26 answers given incorrectly.

Do you agree with the rules?:

Of course!

Sidenote: I want to Improve the ALU as much as possible if I get builder - I learned about cca’s and the ALU can be improved so much, but very tedious.
Credit for who taught me some components are listed on the ALU

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Are you able to make an ALU that uses Invert A, Invert B, Carry In, Flood Carry, and OR control lines in order to do all the boolean functions?

it has 1 redundant control line, but i think its workable for a trial.

not yet but thats exactly what Im working on now - Im trying to integrate logic into a CCA adder that I designed, atm it can invert A, invert B, Carry in, Flood carry, I dont think it can control lines yet but thats what imma learn literally rn

Alr done that,
/warp AlexpopblockTrialBuild2
Although I did have support with adding the logic abilities, I understand it now.
It now has AND, OR, XOR, NAND, NOR, XNOR
So I would say now yes, I am able to make an ALU that uses invert A, invert B, carry in, flood carry and control lines in order to do all the boolean functions

Accepted for trial!


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