Bad moderation

User(s): don_manuel_1229
When: sept 28 '24
Description: Ok Im not sure how to properly write a report of this issue so please bear with me. Earlier me (dromedarian), shrillquill and acid_ra1n had all been pinging each other saying benign things to each other. But then after don_manuel_1229 had showed up to game chat and had been asked to deal with us pinging each other (because it was “annoying”), acid_ra1n immediately screenshotted shrillquill mentioning them a bunch of times and pinged don with the image. Then don_manuel_1229 said he was going to mute people, and right after he had said that I replied to a message acid_ra1n sent saying he petitioned having us 3 muted with the message “120 on the highway btw” in reference to a video they sent earlier in game chat of (presumably) them driving 120 on the highway (which shouldn’t be allowed to send). Acid_ra1n responds to that message saying “don’t ping me”, and I reply (with ping on because I didn’t expect it to be that serious?) “ok” to the message. I immediately get timed out for an hour and don says “let’s start with timeouts”, which is when I get a dm from acid_ra1n saying “rekt” as if they were proud that I got timed out and that’s what they wanted from don. I then forward a screenshot of that dm to don and explain that I think it’s unfair and that i believed acid_ra1n did not have good intentions. Don never responded to that dm so I logged onto ore and tried telling don to read my dm, but to no avail because don just told koyarno to ban me for timeout evasion. I told don multiple times to read my dm but he only wanted me banned. He even doubled down and told me I was in the wrong for pinging someone and never mentioned my dm. Koy follows up with “just ban all 3” suggesting neither of these mods care about doing their job at any reasonable level.
Here are screenshots in chronological order:


sorry i pressed enter too fast the first time
edit: it’s unfair to lump koy in so i will keep their name out


Did Acid and Shrill also get bammd?

no (post must be at least 5 characters)

ok cool

Idk what the policy is on adding stuff to incident reports after a period of time goes by, but I don’t see anything talking about statute of limitations or anything so heres my input since I was the subject of one of these screenshots:
Im not really sure what’s being stated, but I think it’s that don didn’t really take the time to understand the incident and instead jumped quickly to timeouts, which I agree it looks like and that does seem pretty unfair.

Being slightly biased, it is kinda annoying to have people spamming random pings in chat. (Yes ik I’ve done this in the past, however I can still agree it’s annoying)

It seems there was never a staff response, so I’ll be sure to get on top of this now.

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The staff team has decided to stand by how Don and Koy handled the situation. Multiple warnings were issued and it isn’t uncommon to extend chat-related bans to in game. If you’re not hearing back from a staff member, we generally recommend waiting or contacting another rather than going around a chat-related ban/timeout.

I’d like to note that there is some discussion about working with the community to improve how we handle moderation, so hopefully soon we’ll be able to address concerns similar to this.