Minecraft name: beilinfw
What do you like the most about redstone?: Disign better modules, including make it faster, smaller, and more fluent.
What’s a thing you have made which demonstrates redstone knowledge?: A any number system BCS, combinational and no torch, finishing calculation in 8rt. A ny number system means it fit from binary to hex, so it has a input called “ base ” except minuend and subtrahend. F or example, if you want it work as hex, input 15 signal strength; if you want it work as decimal, input 9 signal strength.
What does the thing do?: subtraction
Image(s) and/or video(s) of the device:
What did you make as your trial build?:
What is the warp for your trial build?: /warp beilinfw
Provide your results after completing the ORE Binary Quiz 226:
Binary Quiz completion certificate:
Completed by beilinfw in 5m21.011s on 5/25/2024, 02:33 UTC.
96.15% accuracy with 1/26 answers given incorrectly.
Do you agree with the rules? : yes I do agree.
PS: My friend is temporarily restricted by the policy and cannot register for discord. With the permission of the administrator, I will post this post on his behalf.