What do you like the most about redstone?:
Building complex/simple and small as posible redstone computers.
What’s a thing you have made which demonstrates redstone knowledge?:
PLA, ALU, registry, memory, program list(line),memory manager(commander), multiplexers and demultiplexers.
What does the thing do?:
Same as regular cpu, depends what you guild in it and how many bits.
The trial build would need to be more than just a programmable song, generally the bar is a 4-bit ALU.
Could you be a bit more clear on what each of the builds do? It seems like you’re only explaining one of them and it’s not clear which.
the alu can sum,substract,and,xor,debug
every other picture is memory that saves data and debugging data from alu to memory, if that debugging isnt there calculations ftom alu will be loop saved instead just first answer so it doesnt loop answer and calculating resulting a loop what computers doesnt like