Builder aplication

Minecraft name: GeometrylegendX

What do you like the most about redstone?: the creativity. you can make everything you want

What’s a thing you have made which demonstrates redstone knowledge?:
a seven segment display with a binary and hex thingy built in

What does the thing do?: decode numbers to displays and binary/hex

Image(s) and/or video(s) of the device:

**What did you make as your trial build?:**the seven segment display

What is the warp for your trial build?: in /school type: /plot visit GeometrylegendX

Provide your results after completing the ORE Binary Quiz: i got this code Binary Quiz completion certificate:

Completed by GeometrylegendX in 10m3.540s on 7/17/2024, 10:23 UTC.
96.15% accuracy with 1/26 answers given incorrectly.

Do you agree with the rules?: yes i agree with the rules

“I cant post here”, yes you can? just drag a screenshot into the text field, upload to imgur and link, or upload anywhere else and link.

Also, this doesnt show sufficient computational knowledge. You will need to have something at least to the complexity of an ALU that uses control signals (not a mux ALU).

ok i uploaded the photos

and im working on a ALU with addition subtraction and all logic gates

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A 7 segment display isn’t sufficient as a trial build. Generally we request something at or above the level of a 4 bit ALU (capable of addition, subtraction, and bitwise logic). Please reply if you decide to update the application accordingly.

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