Minecraft name: DiAmOnD1Assasin
What do you like the most about redstone?: I love the ability to create something that imitates real life electronics and processors.
What’s a thing you have made which demonstrates redstone knowledge?: I have made a computer, the Quartz Computer 1.0 (QC1).
What does the thing do?: QC1 is the first redstone computer to use a serial communitcation system for most of its data transmission. Not just for I/O, but for the whole computer. Some specs of the computer are: pistonless ALU (my design), 15 bytes of compact pistonless-read RAM (my design), clock speed of 2.2 seconds (0.45 hz), 9 flags, expandable prioritized interrupt system, BCD display with my own design for display ROM, 80 lines (2.88 kilobits) of program memory, 15x15 pixel pipelined display with fill commands (my design), I/O port and a display port which allows for the addition of a GPU or display buffer, and the UI allows the user to execute commands manually. So far I have programmed the FIbonacci Sequence, a drawing program, graphing program, multiplication, and a box renderer. More details can be found in the reddit post below.
Image(s) and/or video(s) of the device:
The download link is in the description. The link below is the update post.
What do you plan on making for your build trial?: I plan on building a model of my dual-read pistonless-read RAM.
Do you agree with the rules?: Yes, the rules are just common sense so I definitely agree.