Read carefully before voting, there are THREE separate polls.
These polls are to gage what complexity the average competitor is ok with so we don’t have something too easy or too hard.
Read the line above a poll, then answer accordingly.
In the poll BELOW pick the builds that are TOO EASY in your opinion
- Fibonacci Circuit
- Barrel Shifter
- Multiplier
- Collatz Circuit (A circuit that takes an input and performs the steps of the Collatz Conjecture until the value reaches 1)
- Sequential Squares Circuit (A circuit that outputs 1, 4, 9, 16, 25…)
- Sorter Circuit
- Line Drawer
- Floating Point Arithmetic Circuit (Addition, Subtraction, etc with Floating Point inputs and outputs)
0 voters
In the poll BELOW pick the builds that are TOO HARD in your opinion
- Fibonacci Circuit
- Barrel Shifter
- Multiplier
- Collatz Circuit (A circuit that takes an input and performs the steps of the Collatz Conjecture until the value reaches 1)
- Sequential Squares Circuit (A circuit that outputs 1, 4, 9, 16, 25…)
- Sorter Circuit
- Line Drawer
- Floating Point Arithmetic Circuit (Addition, Subtraction, etc with Floating Point inputs and outputs)
0 voters
In the poll BELOW pick the builds that are REASONABLE COMPLEXITY in your opinion
- Fibonacci Circuit
- Barrel Shifter
- Multiplier
- Collatz Circuit (A circuit that takes an input and performs the steps of the Collatz Conjecture until the value reaches 1)
- Sequential Squares Circuit (A circuit that outputs 1, 4, 9, 16, 25…)
- Sorter Circuit
- Line Drawer
- Floating Point Arithmetic Circuit (Addition, Subtraction, etc with Floating Point inputs and outputs)
0 voters