Diamonddome builder application

OUTDATED!!! read attempt 2 in replies

Minecraft name: diamonddome

What do you like the most about redstone?: computational redstone

What’s a thing you have made which demonstrates redstone knowledge?: an alu

What does the thing do?: adds, subtracts, does logic, and shifting

Image(s) and/or video(s) of the device:

What do you plan on making for your build trial?: another alu (edited)

Do you agree with the rules?: yes

For a trial, you need to build during the trial. So you won’t be able to use the pre-built one, but it’s entirely fine to just build a copy of it during the trial.

Screenshot (368)
it says here feel free to use something that you’ve built in the past

Yes, as the first build, but not as the trial build

attempt 2 cuz mods don’t read edits for some reason

Minecraft name: diamonddome

What do you like the most about redstone?: computational redstone

What’s a thing you have made which demonstrates redstone knowledge?: ram

What does the thing do?: it has an address input and 1 bit data to write or read

Image(s) and/or video(s) of the device: https://imgur.com/a/zRrzBO8

What do you plan on making for your build trial?: alu

Do you agree with the rules?: yes

Edits don’t notify us the way replies and posts do.

This application has been accepted! Whenever both you and a staff member are free, feel free to ask them for a trial. You are able to try again after failing and waiting 24 hours. It is always recommended to do a practice trial with another member before starting your real one.