Dojiirama's builder application

Minecraft name: Dojiirama

What do you like the most about redstone?:
Just by the fact of having a massive potential to learn people computer science makes me like redstone itself the most in Minecraft, that’s how I’ve learned computer science in 80% of the times, playing the game and learning both with your successes and failures.

What’s a thing you have made which demonstrates redstone knowledge?:
I away’s wanted to build a Minecraft CPU so I have made 2 in the past all by trial-and-error, trying to learn from every mistake of my first computer, but both of them, including the second one have several issues and I had to abandon them. Now I’m working on a new CPU, the ‘NNBPU 2’ (Not Necessarily Big Processing Unit 2) is the “successor” of my two previous CPUs, when I was building the NNBPU I noticed another big mistake I made and I had to re-build the whole CPU (now NNBPU 2). This new one is not perfect but is considerably better, NNBPU 2 is still WIP and I’m doing some changes to it, but I already got most of the instructions working.

What does the thing do?:
Since the computer is (obviously) Turing-complete, it can do pretty much anything within the range of memory I implemented to it (instruction and data memory), you can program it to run a maximum range of 128 instructions and the computer will execute them one-by-one in order, I’m not really sure what is it’s limit but by my predictions it might be able to run some retro games like Atari Breakout or Pong, I ‘probably’ have to double the amount of instruction memory in the future for such programs.

Image(s) and/or video(s) of the device:

NNBPU - Simple text display program

NNBPU - Top view

What did you make as your trial build?:
8-bit CCA ALU (addition, subtraction, right shift and all bitwise operations)
What is the warp for your trial build?:
/warp Dojiirama
Provide your results after completing the ORE Binary Quiz:
Binary Quiz completion certificate:

Completed by Dojiirama in 3m6.391s on 8/20/2024, 02:20 UTC.
100.00% accuracy with 0/25 answers given incorrectly.

Do you agree with the rules?:
Of course!


accepted! hop on and ask a staff member for trial.

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