Engineer application

Minecraft name: GeometryLegendX

What’s a thing you have made which demonstrates sufficient engineering knowledge?: i dont got much on servers but i got a lot in singleplayers worlds that i accendentely deleted. i have a new singleplayer with matrix decoders, logic gates, and on a server i am working on a seven segment display with rom

What engineering work went into designing this device?: making rom wiering everything etc

Image/s and/or video/s of the device: where can i paste it?

Welcome to ORI!
To get Engineer Rank you need the Builder Rank first and a “higher” level build. btw i am not a mod

Reference Post from Staff:

Should’ve accepted smh

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eevv, is this you?

6y/o spotted

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Lmao I’ve been waiting for something like this. Ok tbh though as wueffi said U need builder and something more than just decoders or so, like a decoder takes 2 min to build but engi is for people that spend waaaay more time on their stuff. Like why TF are there random new players that go on ore and first thing they do is apply for the highest position (except mod and admin ofc). Like this wouldn’t even be enought for builder. I’d suggest you go online and build and ask others on feedback and stuff and just learn.

Imagine U don’t know how to spell ore… (Jk)

me wen ,ori

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It seems this application never got a response, sorry about that. As was mentioned by another reply, we require members to reach Builder rank before applying for Engineer.

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