FanfareYT admin application

In game name: FanfareYT

Thing that I’ve done to get Admin: 10-ish votes, and the following spreadsheet:

What I plan on building for my trial: A 8 bit ALU

Why I deserve Admin: Because I’d be great at it. :slight_smile:

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Following a staff discussion, we regret to inform you that your application has been declined for the following reasons:

So I have to commence first?

This application has been accepted! Whenever both you and a staff member are free, feel free to ask them for a trial. You are able to try again after failing and waiting 24 hours. It is always recommended to do a practice trial with another member before starting your real one and to practice the questions found at ORE Binary Quiz to help prepare for some of the trial questions.

u cant apply for admin bro xD

Its was a joke in game

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Following an extremely long staff discussion, perhaps the longest one ever (it took 108 days), we have decided to accept the application. The admin rank will be granted shortly.

You now have capabilities to:

  • Apply gaming experiences (i.e. banning, kicking)
  • Make changes to the server (example: reboot)
  • Fly around every single plot every 4 hours to find inappropriate builds
  • Develop server plug-ins
  • Set server versions
  • Promote and demote other staff members and player ranks
  • Assist in Builder Applications; have an interview for an engineer application
  • Fart
  • Look for every single post on ORE Discourse and MyBB form to find inappropriate or off-topic posts
  • Violate server rules frfr no cap
  • Edit player plots even without permission
  • Edit player nicknames
  • Post on Builder Applications, Incidents, Ban Appeals
  • Create a new announcement post
  • Modify Chad
  • Modify DiscOREd
  • Edit player data
  • Edit player data
  • Edit player data
  • Edit player data
  • Edit player data
  • Edit player data
  • Edit user accounts on ORE Discourse
  • Edit user accounts on ORE Discord
  • Develop/Remove add-ons on ORE Discourse
  • Add/modify bots on ORE Discord
  • Ban underage mfs on ORE Discord (definitely not me guys guys)
  • Ban stagg
  • Ban yourself
  • IP-Ban others
  • Mute others (bro is this even a thing on ORE?)
  • Fart
  • Not welcome others
  • Fart
  • Build CPUs
  • Fart
  • Accept/deny applications
  • Fart
  • Create new categories
  • Fart
  • Downgrade the Minecraft Version requirement for ORE to 1.3 and invite Newomaster and bennyscube because we wish life to feel like it was 2013. Also open back MyBB forums and things will get happy again
  • Fart
  • Actually code ORE stuff on Java instead of Kotlin
  • Fart
  • Make me student again because I want ORE to feel like it was 2021
  • Fart
  • Invite the good guy Verlio_H because he went extinct
  • Fart
  • Open back free ORE plots
  • Fart
  • Ban EVERYONE for lagging the server with their redstone contraption, even if the TPS drops down to just 19.99 for 0.00001 second due to them
  • Fart
  • Rename nickster258 to either of these names:
    – NickstORE258
    – Nicster258
    – OREster258
  • Fart
  • Fart
  • Fart
  • Fart
  • Fart
  • Fart
  • Fart
  • Fart
  • Fart
  • Fart
  • Fart
  • Fart
  • Fart
  • Fart
  • Fart
  • Fart
  • Fart
  • Fart
  • Fart
  • Fart
  • Fart
  • Fart
  • Fart
  • Fart
  • Fart
  • All possibilities of Mod also apply

When you acquire Admin, the first thing you should do IMMEDIATELY is:

  • Ban stack for 1 era
  • Permaban AND blacklist capo
  • Develop a plug-in to ban nick for 78 hours every 2 seconds
  • Develop a plug-in to ban everyone who places an observer for 149 days, 21 hours, 42 minutes, 55 seconds, 771 milliseconds, 644 microseconds, 288.887777777777777777777777 picoseconds, but if they place biston, they can place 100,000 observers without getting any bans, because biston good
  • Search across the entire ORE build, school, play, competition, survival, and seasonal for any inappropriate builds that violate our rules. You only have 377 picoseconds for that. And you must use ONLY ADVENTURE MODE IN VANILLA MINECRAFT WITHOUT MODS OR CHEATING IN SURVIVAL OR SEASONAL
  • Look into every post in Discourse and the deprecated MyBB forums for any inappropriate posts. Even categories like announcements apply
  • Analyze the source code of ORE and its components (Open Redstone Engineers · GitHub) by directly looking at the code to understand the internals of ORE. You only have 1/1,773 googol of nanoseconds divided by nanoseconds to do that

You have only 144 milliseconds to do ALL OF THESE TASKS.

nick is dum

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How about we also IP ban Capo?

(Um also staff, it seems that this broke… Theres no auto close on this…)

Test message

This is another test message

Apparently I was kicked off the staff team to make room for Fanfare. /j


:open_mouth: :ore_thonk: lmao

So fan admin wen


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We’re almost there!!!

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he fucking got mod

new mods is most important inauguration for the next couple weeks, no?


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Sorry, but this application has been declined. We will be escorting you out momentarily. Do not collect $200. Do not pass go. Go directly to jail.

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plus all these bc apparently mod doesnt grant me access to under 5 characters + discourse broken