hoppefullyRed3256´s builder application

Minecraft name: hoppefullyRed3256

What do you like the most about redstone?: i like that you can make littelary everything from redstone, doors, CPUs, GPUs, even games like minesweeper

What’s a thing you have made which demonstrates redstone knowledge?: 8 bit CPU named MICRON-1

What does the thing do?:it has AND OR XOR, LORE(load reg) operations

**Image(s) and/or video(s) of the device:


What did you make as your trial build?: the MICRON-1 CPU

What is the warp for your trial build?: /warp micron-1-CPU

**Provide your results after completing the ORE Binary Quiz: Binary Quiz completion certificate:

Completed by hoppefullyRed3256 in 5m33.313s on 8/21/2024, 17:28 UTC.
89.29% accuracy with 3/28 answers given incorrectly.

**Do you agree with the rules?: of course**

I’ve had a look at your build on the school server, and it seems to be a (fixed) programmable logic unit with memory. whilst this would seem like an acceptable build for trial, this does not meet the minimum requirements for builder as it cannot do basic math with a functioning ALU.

please update your build, or at least submit a build for trial that reaches the minimum criteria similar to an ALU.

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