Hyperholy's survival ban appeal

Mojang Name: hyperholy
When you were banned (approximately): 3 or so months ago?
Why you were banned (if known): Stealing and refusing to return a silent armour trim from Eithanz
Why you should be pardoned: I acknowledge that I broke the rule against stealing and at the time refused to resolve the situation in a civil manner with Eithanz (eventually leading to staff intervention and my banning) but I believe that enough time has passed that (in my opinion) neither party holds any grudge against the other and that I can return to survival as a normal and civil player.


Bro is better now #FreeHyperholy

Reminder to please not comment on appeals unless you’re directly involved in the incident.


Staff are currently reviewing this. We expect a resolution in 24 hours.

You have been pardoned on Survival.