Mojang Name: SuspiciousOne642
When you were banned (approximately): 30/12/2024, Time: 2:40AM GMT+8
Why you were banned (if known): For stealing 4 diamond ORE that has a sign said “dont steal” and break the sign and “accidentally(?)” steal 2 stones and one stick.
Why you should be pardoned: I already reflect my action for the past 2 weeks and I have unfinished build in survival. Next time ill be more aware of the rules and never repeat on my bad action. I also returned the stolen diamonds which is 9 diamonds in total.
I want to add that the diamonds were in the ChunkHole that belongs to me and I didn’t put up the sign.
This is currently being discussed by staff.
Your appeal is currently being reviewed and voted on by staff - you should receive a verdict within around 24 hours.
Following a staff discussion, your appeal has been accepted. Your ban should be lifted shortly.