Minecraft name:
What do you like the most about redstone?:
Its a creative outlet for computer science students. Also creates a mindset of breaking one big problem into smaller subproblems.
What’s a thing you have made which demonstrates redstone knowledge?:
6x6 Checkers
What does the thing do?:
Able to play a game of checkers against another player. Pawns that reach the other side of board gets promoted to a king. Only legal moves allowed. Automatic turn control. ROM input on bottom of board. I made the game 6x6 since my old PC wasn’t able to handle 8x8
Image(s) and/or video(s) of the device:
What did you make as your trial build?:
Simon with 16 levels. Spamproofing implemented. Incorrect input resets the game.
What is the warp for your trial build?:
/warp Klul1sSimon
Provide your results after completing the ORE Binary Quiz:
Binary Quiz completion certificate:
Completed by Klul1s in 5m32.944s on 11/24/2023, 21:44 UTC.
92.59% accuracy with 2/27 answers given incorrectly.
Do you agree with the rules?: