User(s): LightningV7 (babazulh)
When: 8/28 ~1:27am EST
Description: Repeated calling of me and capo multiple slurs. Ik not much staff can do, but I think that the community should be aware of the type of person lightning is.
Hm? I just see the slurs, not how they are connected to you and Capo? Again, these slurs are not okay, tho I am wondering how these are connected to you two / ORE.
I don’t want to say that it wasn’t the right thing to report, I just think the place is inappropriate.
I don’t want to say that it wasn’t the right thing to report it, I just think the place is not the right one.
I also think this shouldn’t be punished, as this didn’t happen on ORE.
Tell me when im missing something lmao
I didn’t post all of it, as thats the only screenshot i have since i blocked them. As previously mentioned it’s not directly connected to ORE other than lightning is a semi regular member here, and I thought it would be important to share.
I agree that it shouldn’t be punished by staff. And I addressed that in my post.
This place was deemed the best place by don, so if you have a problem with where it is, then go talk to him .-.
And to you and anyone else, if you don’t want to be involved, or don’t care, just ignore this, theres no reason you need to express your lack of caring-ness.
Yea thought of that later
Yea I understand that