Lombo1 Builder application

Minecraft name: lombo1

What do you like the most about redstone?:
I like the most Games
What’s a thing you have made which demonstrates redstone knowledge?:
What does the thing do?:
ADD, SUB all bitwise
Image(s) and/or video(s) of the device:

What did you make as your trial build?:
What is the warp for your trial build?:
/warp lombo1-trial
Provide your results after completing the ORE Binary Quiz:
Completed by lombo1 in 4m17.601s on 2/8/2025, 16:11 UTC.96.15% accuracy with 1/26 answers given incorrectly.c2fe7f0a-d46f-45f7-8bad-b4fee63f96ce-6c6f6d626f311w6s32335l0p1s3h5p5v3a463r0s6y55070c0y1am6we268fm6we7p00
Do you agree with the rules?:

Yay, your application has been accepted! Whenever both you and a staff member are free, feel free to ask them for a trial. You are able to try again after failing and waiting 24 hours. It is always recommended to do a practice trial with another member before starting your real one.

Note: Im usually available from 14:00-19:00 CET ingame.

This application has been unaccepted due to the alu being built by someone other than the student. Please correct this and try again.

ALU built mainly by lombo1 (small help by Mixelmaniac7).

Accepted for trial again ig!

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