MItchProGamer Builder App

Minecraft name:
What do you like the most about redstone?:
You can build anything in redstone. This helps me with computer science and logical thinking
What’s a thing you have made which demonstrates redstone knowledge?:
Binary decoder to letters
What does the thing do?:
Decodes binary to a letter via ASCII keys
Image(s) and/or video(s) of the device:

What did you make as your trial build?:
I made a simple ram lock system
What is the warp for your trial build?:
/warp MitchProGamer
Do you agree with the rules?:
Hell yeah!

Could you elaborate?

It takes a binary input and can be locked with locked repeaters so if the binary input is changed, the number in the stored ram stays the same. ive also made a full adder, subtractor and have prior knowledge of binary and logic systems

I think you’ll need to make something closer to an ALU with some additional logic. Basic memory with encoder/decoder typically isn’t enough for a trial. Have you happen to make a basic RCA ALU before?

I’ve never made a full alu but I have created components that consist of the alu. an alu is one of my weaker points in logical redstone but I’m confident in decoding and general binary

If you’ve got another build you’d like to trial with, let us know here and we’ll determine if it’ll work. Generally we just encourage 4 bit ALUs since working with the same build makes things easiest, so I’d recommend that.

I haven’t created a full ALU but I have made a simple Calculator using 2 registers and a 13 bit bus. It features a 13 bit bus, 2 registers and and addition. I used decoders and encoders throughout the build to send information to the registers. Please see the below screenshots. If this isn’t enough, then I will start on an ALU on the server! Thanks for your time!

What operations can the calculator perform?

So far it can only perform addition as I don’t have enough room to add a subtraction module. Although adding it is just as easy as inverting b and adding carry in

Just an adder with memory won’t be sufficient.

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