Ninsanity Builder Application

Minecraft name:

What do you like the most about redstone?:
Its a fantastic toolbox for a great sandbox game, allowing players to have creative freedom in what they can make.

What’s a thing you have made which demonstrates redstone knowledge?:
16-bit ALU

What does the thing do?:
Add, Subtract, Bitwise Operations (and, nand, or, nor, xor, xnor), and has flags (Overflow, Carry, A>B, A<B, Zero)

Image(s) and/or video(s) of the device:

What did you make as your trial build?:
A 4-bit version of my 16-bit ALU above.

What is the warp for your trial build?:
/warp NinsanityTrialBuild

Provide your results after completing the ORE Binary Quiz:

Completed by Ninsanity in 3m8.628s on 7/17/2024, 14:41 UTC.
100.00% accuracy with 0/25 answers given incorrectly.

Do you agree with the rules?:
I agree to follow the rules.

This is a nice ALU, do you know how to make them with control lines, such as Invert A, Invert B, Cin, OR, and Flood Carry?
With those control lines, you do not need the mux at all, and can do all logic gates.

Yes, I do now, just didn’t know of it before. I believe I have correctly charted the necessary wiring for the various operations I currently have (not including bit shifting):

Important to note that the OR control line would need to disable the carry signal to keep it from propagating to the next bit.

Made a new 8-bit ALU which include control lines this time. Able to Add, Sub, do logical operations (or, nor, and, nand, xor, xnor, imply, nimply), and bit shift once left or right.

Blue = Adder; Purple = OR; Green = Left shift; Red = Right shift; Orange = Input; Yellow = Control Lines

I’ve finished building this 8-bit ALU on the school server: /warp NinsanityTrial2

Accepted for trial! Hop on the server at and ask a staff member for assistance.

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