ORE Standard Rulebook Proposal

Before anyone asks, I like to write miniature constitutions of sorts for fun, and I figured this could be a use for my little hobby. I have linked a google doc that contains my proposal. Anyone who clicks on the link will receive commenter permissions in order to provide suggestions, and I will give Capo and Nick editor permissions to reduce hassle on my part if they provide me with their emails.

The purpose of the rulebook is stated inside the document.

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Did you talk to staff at all before starting or just start doing it on your own

I talked to nick and capo. They thought that clarifying the rules would help newcomers to understand how they are expected to behave. I adjusted some things to make it better.

lol .

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I think that our current rule book is as staff like it, however I will bring this up even though it’s 4 years later.

With the rules rewrite a year or so ago, this is no longer relevant.