Some of you may know that Torb made a functional RGB screen in minecraft
but it requires a texturepack that not everyone find useful, therefore, with the new
coming of the copper bulb, i suggest making a RGB screen with the different
weathered copper bulbs to make a color display that may be connected to various CPUs
_Torb actually did RGB without a texture pack by simply using trapdoors and red, green, or blue wool. This works surprisingly well for how simple it is imo.
This is from _Torb’s RGB Screen (he has a post for it on the Discord server)
That actually looks amazing. I’d assume you could turn down in game rendering resolution to make it look even better
I should probably note that there is a texture pack in that case, forgot about that, though it is a lot more faithful to the vanilla textures. (rgb are boosted and trapdoors are black)
ik right by 2030, all CPUs have RGB
well, not all…