Salzstreuer2308's Builder Application


I mostly like (excuse my english im not native) that you can do pretty much everything with redstone, including programmable computers. My passion here are (like you could guess) redstone computers.

I “just” made a 4bit redstone computer. You dont have to look at its unreliability and frequency of 0.1 hertz.

The computer can compute up to 11 lines of code with a RAM capacity of 16*4bit (pretty inefficient more than 11 dont make sense because it hasnt store indirect). I made everything out of wool by myself, that means the counter is “stolen” and the potato is a little asset of _zebek, who pasted the schematic from my singleplayer world (we) into ore.

I “just” made a 4bit redstone computer. You dont have to look at its unreliability and frequency of 0.1 hertz. It is my first one.

My warp was to build something i like to build and something where i have a challenge, but still is enough to (maybe) pass the trial.

Binary Quiz completion certificate:

Completed by Salzstreuer2308 in 14m30.351s on 3/1/2024, 20:15 UTC.
80.65% accuracy with 6/31 answers given incorrectly.


the build is at my plot in ORE

This application has been accepted! Whenever both you and a staff member are free, feel free to ask them for a trial. You are able to try again after failing and waiting 24 hours. It is always recommended to do a practice trial with another member before starting your real one.