Sebkuip's application

Minecraft name:

What do you like the most about redstone?:
I enjoy seeing how things work out and see as things progress. Seeing how everything works together and also enjoying the end result. Previously I was mostly into minigames but recently I’ve also gotten a lot of joy of logic things like computers.

What’s a thing you have made which demonstrates redstone knowledge?:
1: 8-bit ALU
2: A modernised version of FVDisco’s defuse the bomb

What does the thing do?:
1: The ALU has 2 8-bit inputs and a single 8-bit output. It works top to bottom. It has options for inverting A, inverting B, bitwise OR, bitwise AND, bitwise XOR, an RCA, carry in and flood carry.

2: the defuse the bomb works very similar to the very old minigame from years back
However, I have upgraded it with the following:

  1. No longer explodes but instead spawns fireworks on game loss (done with commands so I don’t have to keep resetting the dispensers)
  2. A control room where one can randomize the code, view the code, start and stop the game, and adjust the timer (within certain limits)
  3. It now uses observers instead of the old BUD switches to make it less complicated.

Image(s) and/or video(s) of the device:

What did you make as your trial build?:
The 8-bit ALU from my demonstration

What is the warp for your trial build?:
/warp sebkuip

Provide your results after completing the ORE Binary Quiz:

Completed by sebkuip in 4m54.460s on 8/28/2024, 16:04 UTC.
100.00% accuracy with 0/25 answers given incorrectly.

Do you agree with the rules?:
Yes of course.


accepted! hop on and ask a staff member for trial.

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