SleepyStew's Builder Application

Minecraft name: SleepyStew

What do you like the most about redstone?: How simple yet capable it is, how with only a few simple logical functions it can be Turing complete.

What’s a thing you have made which demonstrates redstone knowledge?: A project I am working on is a text display that is column based, instead of character based.

What does the thing do?: What makes it different to normal word processors is it can display some letters longer than others (See the W compared to O in the screenshots below) and could have custom fonts and simple emojis implemented. I also linked a binary to BCD converter (Not fully my design, just my implementation).

Image(s) and/or video(s) of the device:

What did you make as your trial build?: 4bit ALU with Addition, Subtraction, Negative Numbers, and all common bitwise ops.

What is the warp for your trial build?: 4bitalu

Do you agree with the rules?: Yes.

Binary Quiz completion certificate:

Completed by SleepyStew in 2m53.739s on 7/25/2023, 04:54 UTC.
96.15% accuracy with 1/26 answers given incorrectly.

This application has been accepted! Whenever both you and a staff member are free, feel free to ask them for a trial. You are able to try again after failing and waiting 24 hours. It is always recommended to do a practice trial with another member before starting your real one and to practice the questions found at ORE Binary Quiz to help prepare for some of the trial questions.

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