So im stepping down (Tukeque)

I’ve decided to step down from my role as a moderator on ORE. Here are my reasons:

  • For some time now, I’ve found that I don’t have enough free time to dedicate to the community, or at least not like I did in the past.
  • Minecraft is a game I don’t enjoy as much as I used to and that makes it harder for me to interact with the community.
  • New real life obligations require me to dedicate time on myself and other projects that need my time and energy. I’ve tried to balance these with my role as a moderator but it hasn’t been working out and I would prefer not having another thing to manage.
  • I no longer want to feel bad for not being able to dedicate the necessary time to moderating. I think it’s best for both myself and the community if I step back.

ORE has been like a home for me, helping me shape who I am today, and for that, I will be eternally grateful. I became staff with the intention of expressing my gratitude for this but I believe I am not longer fit for the role. I tried my best and I hope my time as moderator has impacted the community in a positive way. I wish the best for the current and future staff team and I hope ORE continues being the great place it has always been for me. Thank you for your understanding.

- Tukeque




Thanks for everything Tukeque <3.

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Thanks tuke :slight_smile:

Xd avg. @jobe

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