Stepping Down (Les)

I understand if this seems sudden, but I can assure you it isn’t.
I’ve been considering stepping down for much longer than you might expect.
I’ve got a few reasons so I’ll list them out:

  • I get very passionate about each and every staff decision and that gets draining when I’m tying my emotions to something small every other day.
  • The server is great but I don’t think it’ll ever be my ideal (nor should it necessarily be if we want to appeal to an entire community) which can be frustrating, somewhat tying into the first point.
  • For a good while now, many community members have had a sour taste regarding various moderation decisions. Whether or not I agree with each individual decision isn’t as much a factor as is being part of a staff group which is actively disliked by a fair few regulars.
  • I need to focus on my real world obligations. I won’t get into the specifics (partly because it’s private) but I’m making progress towards different things that are pretty important and the less I’m worrying about outside of that, the better.
  • I’d like to enjoy ORE without worrying about moderating chat every time I talk or running a trial every time I join or having someone post another report about player drama every week.

All in all, it boils down to feeling drained from moderation. I want to enjoy ORE without leaving it exhausted. I wish you all the best of luck moving forward.

Note: I’m not leaving ORE, just stepping down.

- IAmLesbian (IWasStaff)


we will miss the sassy moderation

where is the special (visible not invisible) role for former admins/mods

it needs to exist

Well, unfortunately I might’ve been one of these 'kinda players who require attention from staff members. Especially petitions or incidents. But I’m glad you can finally have ease of playing on the server due to stepping down. Feels like the 2020 and older times NGL.

Oh, and update your profile info on ORE Discourse, it still says “Moderator since '21”

The veteran role in the Discord is used for ex-staff

yo les where did your previous amazing pfp go

Decided to change it up, had that one for ages now.

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hey les now you can focus on getting engineer lol

edit: :salute:


Yeah, at some point I’d like to. Gonna try to get IRL stuff handled first tho.


You gave me builder back when you were mod. :smiling_face_with_tear: can’t forget that time. Then you ranked up to admin. the DOMINATOR of ORE and CEO of gay. btw delete ore wen :,) Hard to see you step down, although if it’s best for you and makes you more comfortable then go for it. Being part of ore’s staff must be very tiering considering the rising tensions of drama these couple of months. Thanks for being an amazing staff member les


agreed, les was an amazing staff member

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Thanks for my trial, hope you can focus on life more.

be nice please. if you don’t like this server and call it shitty, why not you quit?

me when minimod
75rx you and a guy named Jerboawings would get along very well together.

I got builder when she was mod and then she became admin xD
I distinctly remember learning what gates flood-carry used mid trial
thx les <3 the memories


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