Strangest ORE commands

/art        Prints "Green is **NOT** a creative colour, [playername]" in green writing.
/brains     Prints "[playername] Brains like a zombie" with the playername in yellow writing.
/buttons    Tells the player "/buttons"
/cluck      Prints "[playername] Clucks like a chicken" with the playername in yellow writing.
/cp         Tells the player "OMG, lagggg"
/derp       Prints a random "derp" in the format "* [playername] DERP!" with the asterisk in green and DERP! in dark blue.
/derps      Tells the player a list of "derps."
/ec         Enderchest.
/eelixer    Adds custom potion effects to a potion.
/facepalm   Prints "[playername] facepalms" with the playername in cyan and the word 'facepalms' in blue.
/foodfight  Prints a random message, simulating a food fight. (CURRENTLY BROKEN)
/forgive    Prints "[playername] forgives" with the playername in orange, and 'forgives' in purple.
/hap        Prints "[playername] haphaphap'd" with the playername in pink, and the onomatopoeia in purple. 
/hat        Puts an item as the player's hat.
/hate       Prints "[playername] **hates** [argument]" in green writing, with "hates" in dark green.
/hug        Prints "[playername] **hugged** [argument]" in pink writing, and the word "hugged" in dark red.
/huzza      Prints "[playername] yells HUZZA" with the playername in orange, and 'yells HUZZA' in purple. 
/keol       Prints "[playername] KEOLkeolKEOL'd" with the playername in yellow, and the rest in orange.
/kit        Lists the kits available.
/lemur      Prints "[playername] Barks and screeches like a lemur" with the playername in yellow, and the rest in white.
/lol        Prints "[playername] lol'd" with the playername in yellow, and text in orange.
/love       Prints "[playername] **<3** [argument]" with the playername and argument in pink, and heart in light red.
/mistake    Prints "Ohder **[playername]** made a mistake" with "Ohder" in red, the playername in orange, and the rest in purple.
/moo        Prints "[playername] moos like a cow" with the playername in yellow, and the rest in white.
/nope       Tells the player "Chuck Testa"
/nou        Prints "[playername] **nou'd** [argument]" with the playername in pink, and "nou'd" in red.
/potion     Same as eelixer.
/pumpkins   Spawns a pumpkin patch.
/rage       Prints "**[playername] rages**" in light red.
/redcmd     Prints "[playername] Hello allo" with a yellow playername and light red writing.
/rip        Prints "**RIP [playername]!**" in light red.
/slap       Prints "[playername] slapped [playername] about a bit with a large trout" with playernames in purple, "large trout" in orange, and the rest in light red.
/sss        Prints "[playername] Ssses like a creeper" with the playername in yellow, and the rest in white.
/waffle     Prints "Guess who likes waffles. [playername] does!" in yellow.

If you have any more strange commands, you can comment them with the description. Thanks!


Might be worth listing what they actually do xp

I love /derp 42 :stuck_out_tongue: