Back in Autumn 2021, players could chat through IRC. There also were 2 awesome commands called ~wolfram! and ~calc!, which were very useful for students and builders.
However, once I got unbanned in May 2022, to this day, these features were removed for an unknown (to me) reason. So players can no longer chat with IRC, and chatting ~wolfram! … and/or ~calc! … does nothing.
What's ~calc! and ~wolfram! ?
Wolfram was like ChatGPT. It would search through the internet and find the most relatable answer to the question. Whenever I would type in, for example, ~wolfram! twbtv, it would give me that this is something related to uhh... a gender of birds I guess? I did this back in Autumn 2021 and it was quite funny.However, wolfram was not as helpful as calc, but still was helpful.
Calc was like the //calc command, but for students (they cannot use WorldEdit; //calc is a WorldEdit command). If players chatted ~calc! 5*5, it would return 25.This was very useful, because while the ~calc! command was present, players with student rank didn’t have to open calculator on any device and temporarily pay attention on another application. When ~calc! was present, there was no need to open apps - just focus on Minecraft and that’s it. Very useful, and it would 10x players’ productivity.
Apparently someone told me that ~calc! and ~wolfram! commands are removed because they removed support for IPC. Apparently if IRC will be a thing for ORE, ~calc! and ~wolfram! also will be a thing.
This was 75rx’s Suggestion to bring back ~calc!, ~wolfram!, and IRC, and thank you for reading.