The Last Poster Wins - Continued


i want to win

Never is quite a long time… Almost as long as it takes to tell you about today’s sponsor, Raid shadow legends. With the link down below, you can play for free today.

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Division with only addition in JavaScript. Spaghetti coded with no optimizations and all put on one line for some reason.

//Divison with only addition, and no normal loops (only functions using recursion)
  function divWithOnlyAdd(){function functInputMult(a,b){var c = d = 0;function loop(a,b,c,d){c = c + a;if (d == b-1){return c;} else {d = d + 1;return loop(a,b,c,d);}}return loop(a,b,c,d);}function functInputSub(a,b){return a + (-b)}function addLoop(a,b,c,d){c = c + b;if (c >= a){d = d + 1;return d;} else {d = d + 1;return addloop(a,b,c,d);}}function remainderCheck(remainder,numcount,b){if (remainder < 0){remainder = remainder + b;numcount = numcount + (-1);return remainderCheck(remainder,numcount,b);} else {return numcount + " " + remainder;}}var a = parseInt(prompt("Input Number 1")),b = parseInt(prompt("Input Number 2"));numcount = addLoop(a,b,0,0);remainder = functInputSub(a,functInputMult(b,numcount));rawCheckOutput = remainderCheck(remainder,numcount,b);numcount = rawCheckOutput.split(' ')[0],remainder = rawCheckOutput.split(' ')[1];return numcount +", Remainder "+ remainder;}


jmp $
times 510 - ($ - $$) db 0x00
db 0x55, 0xAA


But can you do division with only division? That’s the real challenge.







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